The Word Executive Agreement in a Sentence

The term “executive agreement” is a legal term used to describe a binding agreement between the president of the United States and a foreign government, without the need for congressional approval.

In a sentence, an executive agreement could be used in the following context: “The president and the prime minister of Canada reached an executive agreement on the import/export of goods between the two countries, bypassing the need for congressional approval.”

Executive agreements are often used for matters such as trade, defense, and foreign policy, and they are seen as a more efficient alternative to traditional treaties, which require the approval of two-thirds of the Senate. However, some critics argue that executive agreements give too much power to the president and undermine the role of Congress in foreign affairs.

Despite the controversy surrounding them, executive agreements have been used by presidents of both parties throughout history, from Franklin D. Roosevelt`s agreement with Great Britain to lend war materials during World War II, to Barack Obama`s agreement with Iran to limit the country`s nuclear program.