Rectification Entire Agreement Clause

Rectification Entire Agreement Clause: What You Need to Know

In modern commercial transactions, contracts are essential documents that outline the obligations and rights of each party involved. An entire agreement clause is commonly included in contracts to limit the scope of the contract, ensuring that no prior negotiations or agreements are considered as part of the contract.

However, what happens when there is a mistake or discrepancy in the contract? This is where a rectification entire agreement clause comes into play. In this article, we will discuss what a rectification clause is and why it is important to have in your contract.

What is a Rectification Clause?

A rectification clause is a provision in a contract that allows parties to rectify any errors or inaccuracies in the contract, even if they are not discovered until after the contract has been signed. The rectification clause is particularly useful in situations where there is a discrepancy between the agreed terms and the written contract.

In some cases, an entire agreement clause may limit the ability of the parties to rely on prior negotiations or agreements. However, a rectification clause can override this limitation, allowing the parties to correct any mistakes or errors in the contract.

Why is a Rectification Clause Important?

A rectification clause is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it provides a mechanism for the parties to correct any errors or discrepancies in the contract. This can help to avoid future disputes and potential litigation.

Secondly, a rectification clause can provide a safety net for parties who have relied on oral agreements or understandings, which may not be reflected in the written contract. In such cases, a rectification clause can provide a means of ensuring that the parties` intentions are accurately reflected in the contract.

Finally, a rectification clause can enhance the certainty and predictability of contractual arrangements. By providing a mechanism for correcting mistakes, parties can be confident that the contract accurately reflects their intentions and commitments.


In summary, a rectification entire agreement clause is a valuable provision in any commercial contract. It allows parties to correct any errors or inaccuracies in a contract, even if they are discovered after the contract has been signed. This can help to prevent disputes and provide a mechanism for ensuring that the parties` intentions are accurately reflected in the contract. If you are drafting a contract, consider including a rectification clause to provide greater certainty and protection for all parties involved.